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RazorBlade .After(), .AfterLast(), .Before(), .BeforeLast(), .Between()

For this to work please install RazorBlade 3.09 or 2sxc 13.02. These demos show how to split text properly. Scenarios might be:

Split Text after first key occurence

Using Text.After(text, key) only the text after the first found occurence of the key will be shown.

Result: this will be shown

  var afterExample = "This won't be shown @ this will be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.After(afterExample, "@")

Split Text after last key occurence

Using Text.AfterLast(text, key) only the text after the last found occurence of the key will be shown.

Result: this will be shown

  var afterLastExample = "This won't be shown @ this won't be shown @ this will be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.AfterLast(afterLastExample, "@")

Split Text before first key occurence

Using Text.Before(text, key) only the text before the first found occurence of the key will be shown.

Result: This will be shown

  var beforeExample = "This will be shown @ this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Before(beforeExample, "@")

Split Text before last key occurence

Using Text.BeforeLast(text, key) only the text before the last found occurence of the key will be shown.

Result: This will be shown @ this will be shown

  var beforeLastExample = "This will be shown @ this will be shown @ this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.BeforeLast(beforeLastExample, "@")

Split Text between two key ocurrences

Using Text.Between(text, key1, key2, goToEndIfEndNotFound = false) only the text between key1 and key2 will be shown. With goToEndIfEndNotFound set to true, the text selection will grow till the end if the ending key can't be found.

Result: this will be shown
Result: this will be shown # this won't be shown

  var betweenExample = "This won't be shown @ this will be shown # this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Between(betweenExample, "@", "#")
<br><strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Between(betweenExample, "@", "notInText", true)

Source Code of this file

Below you'll see the source code of the file. Note that we're just showing the main part, and hiding some parts of the file which are not relevant for understanding the essentials. Click to expand the code

@inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor14
@using ToSic.Razor.Blade;
<!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-7">
    RazorBlade .After(), .AfterLast()... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

Split Text after first key occurence... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

  var afterExample = "This won't be shown @ this will be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.After(afterExample, "@")

Split Text after last key occurence... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

  var afterLastExample = "This won't be shown @ this won't be shown @ this will be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.AfterLast(afterLastExample, "@")

Split Text before first key occurence... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

  var beforeExample = "This will be shown @ this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Before(beforeExample, "@")

Split Text before last key occurence... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

  var beforeLastExample = "This will be shown @ this will be shown @ this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.BeforeLast(beforeLastExample, "@")

Split Text between two key ocurrences... <!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->

  var betweenExample = "This won't be shown @ this will be shown # this won't be shown";

<strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Between(betweenExample, "@", "#")
<br><strong>Result:</strong> @Text.Between(betweenExample, "@", "notInText", true)

<!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->