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Formulas Tutorials

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Formulas affecting Values

We'll show you examples where formulas can be applied to set the Value in many ways.

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Set the Value if it's empty

    This formula sets the value of a field if it's empty. As long as it's not empty, the user can type anything he/she wants.
    Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

    Formulas of FormulasIfEmpty.Title

    Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

    function v1 (data, context) {
      if (data.value) return data.value;
      return "This field should never be empty";

    Generate a Field Combining Others

      This formula combines the values of 3 fields into a URL Slug.
      Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

      Formulas of FormulasCombineValues.UrlKey

      Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

      function v1 (data, context) {
        const prefix = (data.Country + '-' + data.Language).toLowerCase();
        const titleSlug = data.Title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g,'');
        return prefix + "-" + titleSlug;

      Get Data for a Field from a Web API

      Get value for a field from a WebAPI

        This formula is very advanced, and will initialize a fields value (if empty) from a WebAPI call.
        Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

        Formulas of FormulasWebApiText.Title

        Field.Settings.Disabled (Formula-Target: Field.Settings.Disabled)

        function v1 (data, context) {
          // Only enable once data has been loaded
          return !data.Title;

        Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

        function v1 (data, context) {
          // for demo reasons, don't do this till start is toggled.
          if (!data.Start) return data.value;
          // If it has a value, keep it, don't look for another
          if (data.value) return data.value;
          // If data had been stored in the cache by the api-call, return it
          if ( return;
          // Prevent the API call from running twice
          if (context.cache.alreadyRun) return data.value;
          context.cache.alreadyRun = true;
          // Call the sxc web-api controller from other tutorials
            .then(data => {
              console.log('got data', data);// log for demo reasons
     = data;  // set cache for next formula cycle
              context.form.runFormulas(); // trigger the next formula cycle
          // After starting the web-api call, return the current empty value
          return data.value;

        Date Examples

        Date - Prefill but leave editable

          This formula sets the initial value to the current date (if the field is empty). You can try it by deleting the value, once you leave the field it's updated again.
          Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

          Formulas of FormulasDates.RightNow

          Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

          function v1 (data, context) {
            // don't change if already has a value
            if (data.value) return data.value;
            return new Date();

          Date - Calculate value

            This formula sets the third field to the current date/time + an offset the user can choose in a dropdown. Note that since we do some calculations, we must make sure the result is time-zone cleaned.
            Click on the (Σ) button above to see the edit-UI with the formula.

            Formulas of FormulasDates.PublishWhen

            Field.Value (Formula-Target: Field.Value)

            function v1 (data, context) {
              const now = new Date();
              const add = data.PublishIn || 0;
              const offset = -now.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
              return now.setHours(now.getHours() + add + offset);