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Reuse Code Snippet with Func<dynamic,object> Template Delegate

If you just need a quick simple snippet, Template Delegates are the way to go. They are very limited so only ideal for simple stuff. More complex stuff should use Razor Components with @Html.Partial and DynamicModel.

Note that in the following code item is the thing passed into the function.
  • this is text, it doesn't have tags
  • this string has html tags
  • this is just a bold line

Complex Data with Func<dynamic,object> Template Delegate

if you have multiple values, you need to merge in into one object like this:

  // Simple Hybrid (Dnn/Oqtane) Template Delegate
  Func<dynamic, dynamic> FancyLink = @<li>
    <strong style="color: @item.Color">
      @if(item.AddStar) {
  • this is text, it doesn't have tags 🌟
  • this string has html tags

Source Code of this file

Below you'll see the source code of the file. Note that we're just showing the main part, and hiding some parts of the file which are not relevant for understanding the essentials. Click to expand the code

@inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor14
<!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->
  var normalText = "this is text, it doesn't have tags";
  var htmlText = "this string <em>has</em> html <strong>tags</strong>";

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-7">
    <h2>Reuse Code Snippet with <code>Func&lt;dynamic,object&gt;</code> Template Delegate</h2>
    <p>If you just need a quick simple snippet, Template Delegates are the way to go. 
      They are very limited so only ideal for simple stuff. More complex stuff should use
      @linker.TutLink("Razor Components with @Html.Partial and DynamicModel", "reuse110"). 
      Note that in the following code <code>item</code> is the thing passed into the function.
      // Simple Hybrid (Dnn/Oqtane) Template Delegate
      Func<dynamic, object> BoldLi = @<li>
      @BoldLi("this is just a bold line")

<h2>Complex Data with <code>Func&lt;dynamic,object&gt;</code> Template Delegate</h2>
<p>if you have multiple values, you need to merge in into one object like this: </p>

  // Simple Hybrid (Dnn/Oqtane) Template Delegate
  Func<dynamic, dynamic> FancyLink = @<li>
    <strong style="color: @item.Color">
      @if(item.AddStar) {

  @FancyLink(new { Label = normalText, Color = "red", AddStar = true })
  @FancyLink(new { Label = htmlText, Color = "lime", AddStar = false })

<!-- unimportant stuff, hidden -->