// Use an IFFE to ensure the variables are not exposed globaly
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IIFE
(() => {
// Data gets passed as a single object, so we need to deconstruct it.
function init({domAttribute}) {
// The element gets found in the DOM by a querySelector with the passed attribute
const foundElement = document.querySelector(`[${domAttribute}]`)
foundElement.style.width = '100%';
foundElement.style.height = '250px';
// Thirdparty code gets executed
const tt = window.turnOnTutorial200 = window.turnOnTutorial200 || {};
tt.init = tt.init || init;
// Example code that consumes thirdparty library
function animateSpaceship(container) {
const {Scene, Sprite} = spritejs;
const scene = new Scene({container, width: 1000, height: 250, mode: 'stickyTop'});
const layer = scene.layer();
const spaceShip = new Sprite('https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/528a31e5e4b00863f1646510/1562710379584-IOMK7TTBLH7H8GJ8QB1A/Screen+Shot+2019-07-09+at+5.12.37+PM.png');
anchor: [0, 0.3],
pos: [0, 0],
{pos: [0, 0]},
{pos: [0, 75]},
{pos: [600, 100]},
{pos: [600, 50]},
], {
duration: 4000,
iterations: Infinity,
direction: 'alternate',