// Add namespaces for security check in Oqtane & DNN despite differences in .net core/.net Framework
// If you only target one platform, you can remove the parts you don't need
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; // .net core [AllowAnonymous] & [Authorize]
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; // .net core [HttpGet] / [HttpPost] etc.
using System.Web.Http; // .net 4.5 [AllowAnonymous] / [HttpGet]
using DotNetNuke.Web.Api; // [DnnModuleAuthorize] & [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
using System.Linq; // this enables .Select(x => ...)
using ToSic.Eav.DataFormats.EavLight; // For Auto-Conversion (see below)
[AllowAnonymous] // all commands can be accessed without a login
[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] // protects API from users not on your site (CSRF protection)
public class BooksController : Custom.Hybrid.Api14 // see https://r.2sxc.org/CustomWebApi
[HttpGet] // [HttpGet] says we're listening to GET requests
public dynamic Persons()
// we could do: return App.Data["Persons"];
// but the raw data is difficult to use, so we'll improve it
// instead we'll create nice objects for our use
return AsList(App.Data["Persons"])
.Select(p => new {
Id = p.EntityId,
Picture = p.Mugshot,
[HttpGet] // [HttpGet] says we're listening to GET requests
public dynamic PersonsAuto()
// 2sxclint:disable:v14-no-getservice
var json = GetService<IConvertToEavLight>();
return json.Convert(App.Data["Persons"]);
[HttpGet] // [HttpGet] says we're listening to GET requests
public dynamic Books()
return AsList(App.Data["Books"])
.Select(b => new {
Id = b.EntityId,
Awards = AsList(b.Awards as object)
.Select(a => a.EntityTitle)
// The next line is for 2sxc-internal quality checks, you can ignore this
// 2sxclint:disable:no-dnn-namespaces - 2sxclint:disable:no-web-namespace