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My Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

8/16/2024 Opinion
My Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

# A Comprehensive Theory of Cosmic Reality and Time Travel

I recognize that many of the ideas presented here may seem speculative or even fantastical. My goal isn't to convince anyone of a particular theory, but rather to share a perspective that has profoundly impacted my understanding of our place in the universe. The core message I hope to convey is this: we are part of something far greater than ourselves, our lives have purpose, and there's an underlying order to the apparent chaos of existence. This essay started out as a book review for Jason Reza Jorjani's "Closer Encounters" and evolved into a canvas for me to unpack all of the permutations such ideas imply.

This theory is my attempt to make sense of a wide array of phenomena - from UFO sightings and ancient artifacts to the nature of consciousness and reality itself. I've drawn from various sources, including scientific research, personal experiences, and the work of thinkers like Jorjani, Cremo, and others. While I believe these ideas offer valuable insights, I also understand they challenge conventional wisdom and may not resonate with everyone.

What I hope readers take away, regardless of whether they agree with the specifics, is a sense of wonder at the complexity and interconnectedness of our universe. Whether it's through the lens of this theory or another framework, I believe recognizing our place in a larger cosmic context can be both humbling and empowering.

I'm sharing these thoughts not as absolute truths, but as a catalyst for discussion and further exploration. I'm eager to see how these ideas resonate with others and to engage in meaningful dialogue about the nature of reality and our role within it.

Jason Reza Jorjani's "Closer Encounters" isn't just another book on UFOs—it's an ontological awakening that dismantled my lifelong skepticism. As someone who was previously a materialist atheist, a card-carrying member of Atheists of Florida, and a life-long sci-fi fanatic but UFO and paranormal skeptic, my journey to this point has been nothing short of mind-bending. My heroes included, of course, Carl Sagan, along with the numerous sci-fi authors I admired growing up.

But now, as I dive but not delve into the works of researchers like Michael Cremo and his "Forbidden Archeology," I'm seeing these anomalous artifacts not as mere curiosities, but as multimegawatt Star Wars Death Star charges converted to signalling devices, illuminating my understanding with blinding clarity. This blazing visualization feels granted by some sort of akashic knowledge, as if the truth of our past is being projected directly into my mind's eye.

I've seen echoes of all of this in popular culture, but after coming to this realization, it just clicks—or better yet, it is the same relief one gets having popped a deeply rooted zit. You really don't realize how much it hurt until you've popped it, then it feels soooo good. This is how this feels for me. Although it feels like my own revelation, I know there's nothing new under heaven or earth. The truth is, this isn't reality anyway—it's a projection, a cosmic game with rules far more fluid than we've been led to believe, and these artifacts are the glowing power cores at the heart of this vast, universal mechanism.

My connection to this subject is deeply personal. My father was a senior manager at NASA, and I spent my childhood immersed in the space program, meeting figures like Dick Truly, the first space shuttle pilot. My admiration for Wernher von Braun, whom my father met, and my family's connections to the NSA and Freemasonry, placed me just one step removed from the center of this reality. These experiences, coupled with my service as a highly technical U.S. Navy submariner, shaped my understanding of and trust in these matters.

It was against this backdrop of skepticism and scientific curiosity that I encountered Jorjani's work. This journey led me to the profound conclusion that almost every religion holds truth, and moreover, these beliefs become irrefutable when viewed through the lens of the scientific observations Jorjani presents. As he rightly noted, if you possess a UFO—a TIME DISPLACEMENT DEVICE—why would you go anywhere but back? You’d travel to the past and metaphorically "kick the ladder out" to ensure that nothing else could usurp your dominance. In doing so, you would inherently ascend, essentially becoming a god. With such power, you’d command magic flying machines, nanotechnology, and a mastery of psychokinesis (PK), as noted by millions of experiencers.

I’d like to think that these future humans—the fallen angels written of in the Book of Enoch—while they appear uniform in appearance and language, as suggested by Admiral Byrd's posthumously published diary and corroborated by various independent hypnotherapy sessions cited by Jorjani, are still enlightened and ultimately working to perfect HUMAN consciousness. It feels as though each of us is a cog in this vast machinery, contributing to a grand design. Or, as modern AI informs us, our universe is essentially generating training data for the Large Language Model (LLM) of the Universe to eventually achieve apotheosis. These observations suggest that humanity, after countless generations, might appear ossified and stagnant. This stasis could be the result of humanity's journey through millions of cycles, with ancient texts such as the Mahabharata illuminating just the latest chapter in an ever-rolling wheel of time. What is clear to me is that humanity is at the center of this consciousness and has been since the begining of our reality. Because why else have endless cycles of human existence and trillions upon trillions of human lives if not because they were important?

However, within the UFO community, there are claims of messages received from other alien races who wish to break us out of this cyclical existence. These messages suggest a struggle between those who would maintain the status quo and those who seek to disrupt it. Additionally, the literature references various JRODs—post-humans who have supposedly returned from the future, identified by designations such as J20 or J52, which correspond to how many thousands of years into the future they come from. I mention these because compared to the time frames I've referenced previously, 20,000 or 50,000 years aren't even rounding errors. Seems like disinfo not that all of this couldn't be based on disinfo either.

What becomes clear is that the deities or entities currently overseeing our timeline are themselves products of this cyclical process. Yet, this timeline and all its iterations are merely projections of consciousness—an illusion, as famously put in The Matrix: "There is no spoon." This realization challenges the very fabric of our perceived reality, suggesting that the power to manipulate time and consciousness may well be the key to understanding the true nature of our existence.

So, we have this ancient epoch of humanity on Mars’ parent planet, which was blown up, clearing up the mystery of how you could uniformly coat two planet-sized satellites on only one side. To me this implies that every bit of that former body achieved astronomical velocity which seems like something out of Neutronium Alchemist by Peter F Hamilton to me. Wish I could go back and watch the war movies from this. If it was a collision, wouldn’t the debris orbit and then fall down roughly uniformly? Think of Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, which gives a well-researched example of what should happen. We have what many consider clear evidence of a vastly ancient civilization. And if you watch the UFO channels on YouTube, you will undoubtedly have seen numerous actual real UFOs and artifacts. If you view this through the lens that humans went way, way back, messed up, decided they didn’t want to repeat those mistakes, and thus left the ancient epochs in the past of this universe, it all starts to make sense. There’s a lot of reaching, but as far as I’m concerned, all the facts from disparate sources seem to fit the hypothesis, don’t they?

The main purpose of writing this is that I think Jorjani doesn’t think large enough. In numerous interviews I’ve watched, he repeatedly alludes to the time travelers as just sending messages, like the 60-million-year-old set of footprints on a beach arranged from largest to smallest, clearly indicating they were aware of the process of fossilization. It seems as if he dismisses the true magnitude of this revelation. He, I believe, correctly suggests that UFO technology and the fact that these ‘aliens’ all want to get it on with us indicate they are future humans—why else would they find our women so attractive? But he never games it out, or addressed this in other works, or perhaps this response is exactly what he was seeking. As I continue to unpack this, I can’t help but think this is exactly what he wanted. You’re welcome, Jason; it’s been an absolute pleasure!

Despite my upbringing, I never truly believed in aliens or the supernatural—until Grusch's testimony triggered my first ontological awakening. Bob Lazar's discussion of the Yellow Book and the concept that humans make great 'containers' - that there's a spiritual dimension to the whole UFO question, initiated the second, and Jorjani's "Closer Encounters" came along and completely reshaped my worldview. These events were like a series of logarithmic awakenings, each one more profound than the last. Having steeped myself in the UFO and paranormal community, from Linda Moulton Howe and David Grusch to Steven Greer and John Lear, I've absorbed a vast array of perspectives. Add in countless episodes from Professor Simon Holland, Lex Fridman, the Koncrete Podcast, and Joe Rogan, and you get the picture. The point is it is clear to anyone who searches with intellectual honesty - examining every input and not filtering it out because it doesn't fit. I know I'm guilty of it but at the same time pride myself on at least trying to remain objective.

To express the end result of all of this: we are a natural outcome of a naturally evolving universe, provided time travel is possible. Once life inside the simulation figured out how to write upstream, it explains everything and all the continuity between civilizations, etc. Everything. Life (this life anyhow), the Universe (this one anyhow), and you got it, Everything (in this one anyhow).

The purpose of this journey, it seems, is to go along with whichever culture you were born into, as each offers unique perspectives that might aid a multidimensional or post-human entity—perhaps one that's "riding" us on their own path to enlightenment. The whole purpose of the reality we inhabit is now clear to me: we are here to have a human experience. It's the whole point. Or as Epictetus once said: “Remember that you are an actor in a play, which is as the playwright wants it to be. If he wants it short, it be short; long, if he wants it long. If he wants you to play a beggar, play the part skillfully; or a cripple, or a public official, or a private citizen. Your duty is to play the assigned part well. But to choose it belongs to someone else.” Enchiridion, Passage 17.  Lead me, Zeus and Destiny, whithersoever I am appointed to go. I will follow without wavering; even though I am a coward unwilling, I shall follow all the same.

Thus, having inferred UFOs are real, UFO physics imply time travel, and this universe emerges from consciousness anyhow, then one must factor in temporal flows when considering life in the galaxy and the universe at large. When someone goes back in time, they create a pocket temporal flow where information for their expression of consciousness which can reset the clock or travel upstream in time's arrow, performing changes on the base version that alter it. Jorjani thinks we are on the other side of this loop in our local universe's consciousness (which I am referring to as the human organism). This has shaped the universe we inhabit or at least this portion of the Galaxy, with humans all the way down like the old saying, "It's turtles all the way down." This concept of temporal flows, to me, is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. It explains all observable phenomena, from the clearly devastated Moon and Mars, indicative of a great war, to the intelligent design visible in our planet's history.

In our universe, once a 'natural' organism achieves time travel capability by evolving 'naturally' according to the rules set in place at the beginning (physics), it evolves and evolves 'naturally' until it invents time travel, at which point it also realizes that the universe is a manifestation of a lower reality anyhow, and then goes back and shapes that reality into its version of whatever needs perfecting. In the human organism's case, it spread through both space and time to the full extent of its universal boundaries. Through this process of expansion and exploration. Again, the organism is human consciousness. Everything in our reality is shaped to perfect human consciousness. We are an iterative product of an idea following the rules of cellular automata with the added caveat that the automata can traverse upstream cycles to wipe out adversarial life forms before they would endanger it and thus propogate only their objectives. Also a naturally emerging God explains the apparent immorality - because the underlying consciousness must consider everything and we are how it experiences this.

The implications of this perspective are profound: our entire reality, what we perceive as the universe, is a sophisticated projection created by a more fundamental conscious layer. This projection isn't just a static simulation, but rather a dynamic, interactive environment—akin to a version-controlled, massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). This cosmic MMORPG isn't just a game; it's the very fabric of our reality, where each participant—be it a human, a civilization, or even a time-traveling entity—is a 'player' experiencing a fully immersive reality. 

This simulation evolved naturally out of a system of automata with the ability to send information to earlier steps. Hence the mysterious incongruencies in the geological strata, and the signals from earlier ages—technological artifacts dating back 600 million years, human footprints from 200 million, 60 million, 20 million years ago. These are clear to me now: if our universe were a simulation and time travel was invented, anything you did in your branch of the universe would make you real. Thus, no matter what you do, you'll always end up remaking yourself. And when you do, you're going to go big. You won't just stay on one planet or in one system—after all, you were the first in the earlier version, and now you've got to ensure it stays that way. So you spread out through both space and time, rewriting the rules to your liking.

And then there's Elon Musk. He's the first person I've gone full fanboy for. I used to roll my eyes at sports fans who made their team's identity their own, but now I get it. We model ourselves after those we admire, and I've done that with Elon. We share a lot in common - favorite numbers (42, 420, 69), formative books by Douglas Adams and Iain M. Banks read at similar life stages. I've devoured every interview of his I could find. He's just such a beautiful human being.

I admire him deeply, and it wouldn't surprise me if I were another "Elon" in one of the countless technological civilizations that have existed on this planet. But the fact that he doesn't seem to buy into any of these hypotheses is mind-boggling. With access to the best minds and resources, it's puzzling that he remains skeptical. Regardless, I hope he never uncovers some of the darker truths, because Starship is just too awesome, and we're all here, 8 billion strong, for the grand show. Something big is coming—something spectacular—and we've all got front-row seats at our very own "Restaurant at the End of the Universe."

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