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Export MS Teams Chat History

6/22/2023 Opinion
Export MS Teams Chat History

Microsoft Teams has become an invaluable tool for virtual collaboration, but exporting chat history can be a challenge. Fret not, because we've found a simple and efficient solution to export your Microsoft Teams chat history using the GoFullPage extension combined with the Microsoft Teams web client. Follow our step-by-step guide and say goodbye to losing your important chat history.

A Comprehensive Guide to Export Microsoft Teams Chat History

Microsoft Teams has become an invaluable tool for virtual collaboration, but exporting chat history can be a challenge. Fret not, because we've found a simple and efficient solution to export your Microsoft Teams chat history using the GoFullPage extension combined with the Microsoft Teams web client. Follow our step-by-step guide and say goodbye to losing your important chat history.

What You'll Need:

Step-by-Step Guide to Export Microsoft Teams Chat History:

Step One: Narrow Microsoft Teams View

Log in to the Microsoft Teams web client and narrow your window so that the chats pane is hidden, leaving only the chat history visible.

Step Two: Scroll to the Top of the Chat

Scroll to the beginning of the chat timeline you wish to export. This might take some time, especially if you have years' worth of chat history like our example.

Step Three: Open Chat in Separate Window

To simplify the process, move your Teams chat tab to a separate window.

Step Four: Use GoFullPage Extension

Click on the GoFullPage extension on your extension bar. This will initiate a full-page screenshot of your chat history. Allow approximately 5-10 minutes for the extension to work, depending on the length of your chat history.

Step Five: Open in Adobe Acrobat

Once the full-page screenshot is complete, open it in Adobe Acrobat. Click on the OCR & Scan option and then OCR Text to convert the image into text.

Step Six: Save as Word and Plain Text Documents

Save the OCR’d document as a Word document. Then, save the Word document as plain text. This removes extraneous information, leaving only the converted text of your Microsoft Teams chat history.


With this method, you can efficiently export your Microsoft Teams chat history into an easily manageable text document. By utilizing available tools like GoFullPage, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Word, you can ensure that your important conversations, ideas, and decisions aren't lost in cyberspace, but preserved for future reference.

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