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Books written by Sean Ferrell

I live and work, in no particular order, in New York City. I write for both adults and children. I have published two novels. I won't say which ones they are, but if you look to the right you'll see them. That's right, that's them: "Numb" and "Man In The Empty Suit." My short fiction has appeared in journals such as Electric Literature's "The Outlet" and The Adirondack Review. My short story "Building an Elephant" won The Fulton Prize. My picture books, "I Don't Like Koala" and "The Snurtch" are from Atheneum Books for Young Readers. It's here in this bio that people and websites suggest I put an anecdote, so here's one: while working on this biography I had a lot of trouble finding my own author page, so if you're reading this intentionally, well done! You can visit me online at or follow me at Twitter

Man in the Empty Suit
Man in the Empty Suit

Say you're a time traveler and you've already toured the entirety of human history. After a while, the outside world might lose a little of its luster. That's why this time traveler celebrates his birthday partying with himself. Every year, he travels to an abandoned hotel in New York City in 2071, the hundredth anniversary of his birth